Thursday, November 24, 2011


black as a bleak midwinter's midnight
snuffed out light of my life
here lies our dried up love
debris of what aloofness d killed

distance equals death
until void materializes
the breach between bodies
an opiate of the soul

now rooted out forever
cut your eyelids off
u turn realization
break free from claws
love exposed the bone
wear your scars most proudly now
guts! you re on your own

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Long ago the clock washed midnight away Bringing the dawn Bringing the dawn Bringing the dawn Oh God, I must be dreaming Time to get up again And time to start up again Pulling on my socks now Where did the night go? Should have been asleep When I was sitting there drinking beer And trying to start another letter to you Don't know how many times I didn’t write again last night Should've been asleep when I turned the stack of records over and over So I wouldn't be up by myself Where did the night go? Should go to sleep now And say fuck a job and money Because I spend it all on unlined paper and can't get past "Dear baby, how are you?" Brush my teeth and shave Look outside, sky is dark Think it may rain Where did you... Where did you... Where did you...

can you feeel it all meltingcrumbling?

try to tell the straight story
if the stupid cunty snakes let you.
the weakminded bilebrimmers

walk on and don t look back
they ll make your heart hurt
and turn to stonehard shield,
breed of brainless spiteful reptiles.

most innocent baby steps
play metamorphic writhing crawlers
be sure they ll turn your graceful swagger
into awkward barren murkiness

spit in their twisted faces
and try turning the other cheek
play the prophet, the truth impersonator
they re bound to thrash your bony arse
will your soul ll stay intact ratatatat?

beaked human beings on the loose
packs of siamese carrion feasters rise
emotionaldelusional scavenger kings
gulled pupils sing the apathetic blues
constant eyes speak in tongues
the sounds of the filthy-gibbberishy-rich!

hologramming phonographs
recording surreal speeches
life forms twistcontorting crashbanging
suck out oxygen from the wastesquanderland
lovecompassion ll always savereedem your lawsways,
or won t it?

Thursday, November 17, 2011


down in the pit
the minerals await...

the filthy monster
who got away with murder
will never let them come back
to the fleeting house of light.

where's the mighty knight
that'll save them
from oblivion?



behold the true poet. his mouth moving like an everwinding giant cement mixer. raw materials for dream construction. knowledge concentration, a behive of intuitions and experiences. sip the wall of worlds through her eyes until your body starts to contort. it s time to unfold unhinge distort. time to retort, come back at them with the message. high time you created your own words to break down the age old lord lore. do you have something to say, brand new poet?

behold the bird. it preyed on me devoured my wings left me unborn. my backbone s gel from hell. " Save me, oh nothingness!" cried the western world fools in unison. here i lie die rest in the remnants of this love of old, this unnameable greatness twisting my life. Cut my thread oh moira so i can die or live.

behold the woman, coffee skinned arab goddess from the housing scheme. eyes like twin Saturns, rings and all. dreamlike in plainsight for even CEOs to see. cursed to be born... but who s seen the dark aureoles of your soul? man walked down the street with a head on his shoulders until he beheld.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Alas brand new Sisiphus!

subdued by the acrid vapours
the man turned into beast
down was the only way for him to go
down and out in the tourist filled streets
a ghostly red faced hologram
pushing his scrap metal cart
like a deadboy pram
Sisiphusly wandering n stopping randomly
to pray to mythological virgins
in the tourist filled streets