Sunday, November 20, 2011

can you feeel it all meltingcrumbling?

try to tell the straight story
if the stupid cunty snakes let you.
the weakminded bilebrimmers

walk on and don t look back
they ll make your heart hurt
and turn to stonehard shield,
breed of brainless spiteful reptiles.

most innocent baby steps
play metamorphic writhing crawlers
be sure they ll turn your graceful swagger
into awkward barren murkiness

spit in their twisted faces
and try turning the other cheek
play the prophet, the truth impersonator
they re bound to thrash your bony arse
will your soul ll stay intact ratatatat?

beaked human beings on the loose
packs of siamese carrion feasters rise
emotionaldelusional scavenger kings
gulled pupils sing the apathetic blues
constant eyes speak in tongues
the sounds of the filthy-gibbberishy-rich!

hologramming phonographs
recording surreal speeches
life forms twistcontorting crashbanging
suck out oxygen from the wastesquanderland
lovecompassion ll always savereedem your lawsways,
or won t it?


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