Thursday, November 17, 2011


behold the true poet. his mouth moving like an everwinding giant cement mixer. raw materials for dream construction. knowledge concentration, a behive of intuitions and experiences. sip the wall of worlds through her eyes until your body starts to contort. it s time to unfold unhinge distort. time to retort, come back at them with the message. high time you created your own words to break down the age old lord lore. do you have something to say, brand new poet?

behold the bird. it preyed on me devoured my wings left me unborn. my backbone s gel from hell. " Save me, oh nothingness!" cried the western world fools in unison. here i lie die rest in the remnants of this love of old, this unnameable greatness twisting my life. Cut my thread oh moira so i can die or live.

behold the woman, coffee skinned arab goddess from the housing scheme. eyes like twin Saturns, rings and all. dreamlike in plainsight for even CEOs to see. cursed to be born... but who s seen the dark aureoles of your soul? man walked down the street with a head on his shoulders until he beheld.


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