Wednesday, September 05, 2012

heavy jewel

heavy jewel magnet-like, her heavy stride made me turn to glare intently at her. i hardly recognized her. she didn't blink and went about her trash can rummaging business as usual like she had just unsuccessfully made an attempt to slap a tiny fly with the back of her left hand.

heavy jewel last time i saw her it didn't really register with me; the transformation had been well under way by then, of course, but it hadn't been as blatantly brutal. her flesh had bloated under her skin. true, even now she was by no means obese, just chubby, a seedily ugly shade of chubby, though. and her face...and her soul...

heavy jewel a skinny romanian princess of the city underworld. she had been an unlikely goddess.

heavy jewel her eyes were dead now. no light lurked in those anymore. the streets are ruthless cunts.


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