Friday, January 06, 2012

disconnected nafs

pitch black pit black
dimming light of my life

pitch black pit blacker
than bleak midwinter midnights
after you,
light of my life.
no black moon's hue 's
as black as our dried up love
debris of what distance d killed

distance equals death
until void materializes
the breach between bodies
an opiate for our soul

now rooted out forever
cut your eyelids off
u turn realization
break free from claws
love exposed the bone
wear your scars most proudly now
guts! you re on your own

checked the time
in the dead of night
it was 3.33
what am I?
half Iblis
feverish fire floods my veins
clay withdraws
we went out separate ways
didn t we?

pulsing ever sprouting curse
dwelling deep inside of me, so deep.
ever-active icy-cold volcano-type
robotic mental vermin
nibbling at my sanity
so deep, unreacheable.

he found a centre
a quicksand centre
he was struggling to find a true centre
but can someone find a true centre
when the quicksand centre s been removed
the fact that your mind cant get away from the centre
is a disease of the self
the centre remains


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