Sunday, October 09, 2011

missed me

walked down the long corridor to nowhere and realized i just wanted it to go round and round. like my mind was forcing this uncanny tunnel to just elooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongate. i was pulling on the tick tock boa constrictor. the mechanical serpent s ticking didn t seem to put me off. i felt i would be there forever. like the same inexplicable morning apprehension was just the price to pay to be alive. like i owed life a lot. like i didn t have the right to move forwards to step on the pedal to break loose from my self-imposed chains and cuffs.

what is it that scares you so? been down some paths before. you wore your sunglasses and fake sunprotection. you got sunstricken and you were blind for days on end. still are. the light is not the luminous stuff we call light. it s something else altogether. you glimpsed that and got too close. it got you.  you were bday-blow-candle close to it and the light blew YOU away. it blew you OFF. now you re the shadow of your darkness and can t even look straight at the pale reflections of true light here on Earth.

some say pack in your bullshit  or you ll end up feeding on it.others say pack in your bullshit and you ll end up feeding someone it. either way, doesnt sound like something you d like to resort to. not sure how that d work out. feed on manure? you d be surprised how many of we middle way humans end up doing it. choose your value system then bend it beyond recognition until it's all but a recognisable by-product. go on bending it beyond breaking shattering shredding annihilating point. put it back together. obviously you still need to stick to your soap guns in the rain. wanna clean your principles. they look like shit once you put them back together again. your humpty dumpty is a de/re/constructed bullshit value system you ll have to feed upon to survive.

whose fault is it? i shouted. i was a man last night. he came to terms with his real nature.

double bass my own mind until it sticks to his cleaning soap guns and my bullshit principles drum me inside out for the world to see. I m a middle way man. Humane at times alien at times completely unreachable on most occasions. try to uncover me, i ll just have a double dose of my medicinefood. the one i had to resort to, to livesurvive.

she twisted his arm and made him bite on his own wrist until he draw blood. what did he care? thud thud went his body on the floor. clap clap went the people in the audience. we love a bit of fake drama don t we? dried of all humaneness, i was ready for the race. then came love. then, it all made sense for as long as i cared. back to wasteland mode. then came muffled love. back to heightened wasteland. then came tenfoldmuffled sexlove. then please yourself. the survival of the fittest wanker. after that, there came the middle way man of our time. aided by technology, widely spread bullshit munching and a army of no mum i ll just stay in front of my everthinninglightboard until my eyes pop out of their sockets together with the vinegarturning wine of my intelligence.

still human beings are capable of great things. beauty hiding in the middle of nowhere. you wouldn t know where to look. it s just there walking ahead of you as you think about your horrible fucking boss and how you d like to smash an old 70 s tv over his stupid chubby face Henry style.

i mean it, though! there are human beings whose souls glow like some pure metal and their shining reaches others. i know at least one of them.

i m flinging shit left right and centre. partly because i ve been accumulating quite a heap over time and havent been able to upload it onto other brains. why not writing it down? it s a good trick after all. feels like you ve finally got rid of it. like communication; like someone is meant to read it. they probably won t.

a tacit knowledge trick. once it s on written form it s out of your system. you d said it. communication s at the very least and most probably a remote possibility. funny though how if you say it out loud... writing it down is therapy, saying it out loud...

at least i know one of them. at least one. at least i know. at least one. at least.


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