Sunday, October 09, 2011

miss buddhist arse and mr you don t know english.

miss buddhist arse. probably thought everything d go back to normal after a few years. you can always reap what you sow. putting people on their knees and systematically giving then the hot stick up the wrong one and you still coming back after a few years wanting to find the best of each family to greet you back prodigal daughter style. there might be something wrong with the way you understood the concept of karma. has that ever occurred to you maybe?

mr you don t know english. you ve got your stupid brains smashed by the same earthquake that took the world by shitstorm a few years ago. the only kind of communication you re capeable of is this internet forum mumbling that goes on forever and leads to the emptiness that filled your intellect and certainly reached a bit further. your very core is now infested with the deadly maggots of barrenness. you re the seal of a cultural u-turn. the new face of an age-old fuck up.


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