Tuesday, October 11, 2011

break it down

break it down_________________________________________

i will. just give me a sec till i ve sharpen my typing little devils... aha. i ve just remembered some nasty shit i wanted to wrap up in my best flashy glowy wrapping. of course, it ll never reach the prospected mursal ilaihi. SHAME

i d love to see their stupid faces when they would nonchalantly open up the present. then, double take as their nauseated faces twist in disgusted shock. WHAT IS THIS? (IS IT?) yes it is. it s such a neat pile of dried up shit one would think it really IS a present. but reeeky reeeeeky comes off it like thickness off your daft ideas and firmly founded intellectual rubbish.

the level of humbleness down here on this day and age is so stupidly low that each and every one of us should have at least three PHD's were we our own judges.


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