Wednesday, January 05, 2011


openwound. crossthreading. its like your mind unhinges. but it doesn t come off. there no possible separation. it just stays put. in becomes off n out.

it s a train derailing inside a tunnel. "double trapped triple trapped". malcom x used to say this in his speeches. "and every solution you try to come up with is just another trap". back to the derailing train. you listen to your own body thumping and when your eyes re-open you see a mudblurry impression of your own two legs. you nail, jostle and pull then crawl along the pungent corridor. it reeks dark red. two people are struggling to break out of the train. the door lock cracks open and you can feel, even before dragging your torn body outside, that there s no light at either side of the concrete cilynder.

this would merely count as a poor three dimensional example. a straight double trap.

triple trap would still fall way short of our mental room with no view i'm trying to conjure up. the train has crashed into a black hole. Trapped, your very soul aches but you can t see the wounds. you can only instictively make out the train carriage inside. off and in are now one and the same. you feel it for the first time. off is out is in is a four dimension trap.

the train derails. off. you re inside and want to get out. you want off. out. the train moves towards a new beginning. in. you can only picture yourself leaving, separating. four dimension trap. cross-threading. broke the key in. off and in become one.

off/in is a 4 dimension trap. but still far. then a 10 dimension maze. a 1000000000 dimension interrogation room. save yourself? off is not inner. two offs innest. 999999997 dimensions away from planet earth. no separation. just deeper. same just worse. can t speak or guess. there s a way outoff . cut deep enough, red enough will gush out your mind ll get off the derailed train of thought for seconds... on end. buy brain breath. breathe till the next service makes the iceblue steel murmur inoffout me.


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